Silver economy : les innovations sur lesquelles miser pour accompagner la transition démographique

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Les personnes âgées de plus de 65 ans représentent plus de 20 % de la population française. D’après les projections de l’Insee, cette proportion devrait progresser fortement jusqu’en 2040. Cette transition démographique, ou papy boom, crée de nouvelles opportunités économiques.

« Les acteurs généralistes commencent à s’intéresser aux problématiques de vieillissement », remarque Romain Ganneau, DG de Silver Valley. Ce pôle d’innovation dédié à la transition démographique compte 200 membres, des PME et startups jusqu’aux grands comptes. « Nous avons de plus en plus d’adhérents qui ne sont pas des pure players de la silver economy. Ce sont des banques, assureurs, bailleurs sociaux, mutuelles, grands comptes de la technologie qui se disent “25 à 30% de nos clients sont retraités, travaillons sur cette cible-là”. » Le besoin en services dédiés à cette tranche de la population va en effet grandissant. En s’appuyant sur les témoignages de plusieurs acteurs de l’écosystème, Maddyness a listé trois tendances sur lesquelles continuer de se pencher.

Le financement du maintien à domicile

Pour Coline Guénel, cofondatrice de la startup Colette, le maintien à domicile fait partie des plus gros défis pour bien vieillir. « Lorsqu’ils ne vont plus au travail, les seniors perdent un premier repère. Une partie d’entre eux n’ont plus leur conjoint. La maison ou l’appartement, dans lequel ils sont pour certains depuis des dizaines d’années, est souvent le dernier repère », observe la COO. Colette propose donc aux seniors de louer une chambre à des jeunes, ce qui leur redonne du pouvoir d’achat et, par la même occasion, leur permet d’être moins seuls.

Les crédits hypothécaire et patrimonial sont un autre moyen de financer son maintien à domicile.

« Ils permettent d’emprunter une certaine somme en mettant en gage sa maison pour le premier, son assurance-vie pour le second. Ces solutions peuvent être utilisées pour adapter son lieu de vie, rénover une salle de bain par exemple. »
— Minh Q. Tran, Managing Partner, Mandalore Partners

Les nouvelles formes de liquéfaction du patrimoine

« Aujourd’hui, les retraités sont de plus en plus conscients que leur retraite ne leur permettra pas, pour certains, de continuer à financer leur maintien à domicile », remarque Romain Ganneau. Ils peuvent alors se tourner vers des moyens de liquéfier leur patrimoine immobilier.

« Des solutions plus éthiques que le viager existent. Elles permettent par exemple de vendre un bien et de continuer à y habiter avec un contrat sur dix ans, pour préparer sa transition »
— Minh Q. Tran, Managing Partner, Mandalore Partners

Traiter les causes du “mal vieillir”

Avant de penser aux conséquences, il serait pertinent de traiter les causes. C’est ce pour quoi plaide Stanislas Veillet, auteur du livre "Vivre longtemps et en bonne santé" et PDG de la biotech Biophytis. « Avec davantage d’investissements, je pense qu’on pourrait traiter la plupart des maladies liées à l’âge, qui font qu’on perd son autonomie et tout lien social. Cela permettrait des économies monstrueuses en termes de sécurité sociale. Mais l’innovation dans les maladies thérapeutiques va plus lentement que la transition démographique », regrette Stanislas Veillet.

Le PDG évoque la possibilité de créer un statut de médicament senior, qui permettrait d’accélérer le processus de mise sur le marché. « On l’a vu dans le cadre de la crise Covid : quand les pouvoirs politiques veulent se saisir d’un problème de santé publique, on arrive à agir en quelques mois. Pourquoi ne le fait-on pas pour les maladies liées à l’âge ? », s’interroge-t-il. « Il faut que les agences réglementaires prennent conscience de l’urgence.»

Euroclear to invest in IZNES, a leading solution enabling an innovative funds distribution model

Brussels and Paris, 25 March 2024 - Euroclear and IZNES today announce that Euroclear will acquire a stake in IZNES, a pan-European funds marketplace based on blockchain technology. The transaction will be subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals. Financial terms will not be disclosed.

Established in 2017, IZNES is a regulated company operating an international platform for subscriptions and redemptions of shares of European funds, compatible with various distribution channels. IZNES simplifies and harmonises the subscription processes, brings more transparency and provides an improved customer experience both for management companies and institutional investors.

Building on the acquisitions of MFEX in 2021 and Goji in 2023, Euroclear continues to enhance its Euroclear FundsPlace® offering, the end-to-end funds platform solution across mutual and money market funds, alternatives funds and ETFs. Through this strategic partnership with IZNES, Euroclear will complement its funds services on the French market and beyond and continue the delivery of its funds strategy by playing an active role in the development of innovative funds distribution models.

Philippe Laurensy, Head of Product, Strategy and Innovation at Euroclear, said: “Our partnership with IZNES fits with Euroclear’s ambition to innovate and bring efficiency to the financial markets. We are convinced that the mutualisation of data and further automation of processes, supported by digital technologies, have a real potential to reduce the overall cost of funds distribution. IZNES’ solution has already delivered benefits to its users and our partnership is a natural step to broaden its usage at a larger scale.”

Christophe Lepitre, Chief Executive Officer of IZNES: "This operation with Euroclear marks a key milestone in the development of IZNES. We are convinced that together we must continue to build innovative solutions that make the most of blockchain technology for the greater benefit of our customers. IZNES and its shareholders are delighted at this prospect.”

About Euroclear

Euroclear group is the financial industry’s trusted provider of post trade services. Guided by its purpose, Euroclear innovates to bring safety, efficiency and connections to financial markets for sustainable economic growth. Euroclear provides settlement and custody of domestic and cross-border securities for bonds, equities and derivatives, and investment funds. As a proven, resilient capital market infrastructure, Euroclear is committed to delivering risk-mitigation, automation and efficiency at scale for its global client franchise. The Euroclear group comprises Euroclear Bank, the International CSD, as well as Euroclear Belgium, Euroclear Finland, Euroclear France, Euroclear Nederland, Euroclear Sweden, Euroclear UK & International.

Press contacts:

  • Pascal Brabant: (+32 475 78 36 62)

  • Craig MacDonald: (+44 7471 148 319)

  • Jorgen Muylaert: (+32 479 77 14 80)


IZNES is the first European blockchain-based fund marketplace. IZNES offers a disruptive alternative to traditional fund distribution channels and allows asset owners to subscribe directly to all types of funds from asset managers. The use of IZNES's blockchain technology improves operational efficiency and offers to institutional investors and asset managers an optimal level of security and IT resilience. IZNES is a regulated investment firm authorized by the ACPR and supervised by the AMF. Its services are passported in Luxembourg, Ireland, Germany, Austria and Belgium.

Press contact:

  • Valérie Gilles:

ZET Summit 2024 : Tour debrief

We visited the Prefecture of Kyoto at the Zero Emission Technologies Conference in Kyoto on Feb 4-8th.

Here are the main conclusions for next steps

We were thrilled to participate in the "Decarbonization Startup Tour" in Kyoto, an exceptional initiative that brought together investors and businesses to delve into decarbonization opportunities in Japan. This event, organized in collaboration with key stakeholders such as the Kyoto Prefecture and JETRO Kyoto, showcased Japan's commitment to a sustainable future and its substantial efforts in carbon emission reduction.

Japan's impact sector is buzzing, with increasing interest in clean technologies, renewable energy, and decarbonization initiatives. Decarbonization, in particular, has emerged as a national priority, reflected by ambitious policies and support for startups and innovations aimed at reducing the country's carbon footprint.

Mandalore Partners met over 40 investors and startups sharing a vision for decarbonization and industry tech.

A special thanks to

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the event organizers: the Kyoto Prefecture and Jetro Kyoto.

To all participants:

  • Ekta Dang,  Corporate Venture Capital as a Service (like Mandalore but in the US and multi industries)

  • Drew Reid, looking for a pilot factory in his Co2-to-Granite ventures 

  • Paco Conde Fernández, looking to digitalize all forests in Finland via Blockchain

  • Chika Yamamoto, my advisor in the industry fund based in Berlin

Aslo, thanks to:

Nobuya Hashizume, Yoshihito Takabu, Masayoshi Tsukikawa, Hiroshi Saito, Emi Kumagai, Junichi Furumoto, Koji Gonoi, and Alexandre Panau for their warm hospitality and dedication to advancing sustainability. These interactions and meetings have not only provided us with a deeper understanding of Japan's impact landscape but also opened avenues for future collaborations vital for achieving our shared decarbonization goals.

Join us at ZET Summit 2024 !

What is ZET-summit 2024?

Under the theme of collaboration with startups related to zero-emission technology (ZET) in Japan and overseas, and the introduction of technology to urban development and local industries, industry-academia-government officials will gather together to share case studies and develop new ideas. It will be held as a place where exchange and co-creation are born.

Learn about and connect with the latest decarbonization technologies

Leading companies, local governments, and key people in their respective fields will take the stage !


Keynote Speeches and Talk Sessions on the Latest Decarbonization Technologies

  • Keynote speeches by prominent figures in the EV, battery, and biotech manufacturing fields

  • Case studies of large companies' efforts to create decarbonizing innovations

  • Talk session on co-creation with startups and industry-academia-government collaboration.


Startup Collaboration to Connect with Decarbonization Technology Companies

  • Pitches by national and international decarbonization-related startups

  • Reverse pitches by large companies from ZET-valley onsite only

  • Business meeting booths with startups

The KiwiTech's Venture Capital Panel in January 25, 2024

Venture Capital Panel

The Rise of Impact Investing: Navigating Socially Responsible Funding in 2024

Connect With Leading VCs

Leading experts, investors and innovators from the industry discussed together the technology’s impact, challenges facing the industry, and the growing significance and impact of investing in ventures.

👥 Meet the Panel Moderator
🔹 Ike Syed- Senior Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, KiwiTech

👥 Meet the Panelists
🔹 Joe Magyer- Founder & Managing Partner, Seaplane Ventures
🔹 Minh Q. Tran- Partner, Mandalore Partners

🎤 Exciting Presenters and Their Ventures
🔹Brandi Day, CEO & Founder, Real Hire, Inc.
🔹Chris Kozak, Co-Founder, Dishtory
🔹José Sebastián Torres García, CEO & Co-Founder, PRO Investing | PRO Capital Management
🔹Garrison Davis, CEO & Founder, Little Bob Technologies
🔹Taras Kravtchouk, CEO & Founder, TARFORM - Mobility of Tomorrow
🔹Mark Epstein, CEO, Chariot Payments

The panel delved into critical topics such as socially responsible investing, technological innovation, and specific challenges facing startups. A clear takeaway emerged: to catch the eyes of investors, startups must necessarily include the tracking of social impact in their key performance indicators (KPIs). Concurrently, it's crucial that financial investors are encouraged to incorporate social impact assessments into their investment decisions.

Explore the key moments of our session

  • 00:01: An in-depth discussion on impact investing and the evolution of the investment landscape.

  • 08:25: Exploring the impact of investment on startups and their sustainability.

  • 16:49: The importance of social impact within startups and responsible investing.

  • 25:12: Trends and education around socially responsible and impactful investing.

  • 33:35: The effect of investment on startups and artificial intelligence.

  • 41:58: How Real Hire is revolutionizing global recruitment.

  • 50:23: Company presentation and discussion on valuation.

  • 58:47: The revolution of real-time payments and digital wallets.

  • 1:07:11: The Disty platform: recording, sharing, and preserving family recipes and memories.

  • 1:15:33: Growth opportunities for an online cooking app.

  • 1:23:59: Business model, service fees, and growth plan.

  • 1:32:24: Introduction of Little Bob Technologies and the community solar model.

  • 1:40:49: Expansion of electric mobility and the introduction of luxury electric motorcycles.

  • 1:49:13: Business model, expansion, and investment outlook for an electric motorcycle company.

We believe these enriching exchanges offer a valuable overview of current and future trends in investment and technological innovation. Join us in this exciting journey to shape a more responsible and innovative future.

No Filter with BNB Chain: Fundraising in the Bear Market

No Filter by BNB Chain

An event will take place on Tuesday October 24 at 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (UTC+2) in Paris.

It's called No Filter with BNB Chain and the theme of the first edition is inspired by many founders' favorite: fundraising during the bear market. Come listen to people receive feedback on their projects. Or, apply to present your project in front of a panel of 2-3 experts and give feedback to each other!

​Who are the experts?

​For this first session, we will be joined by ✌️ VCs:

  • ​Carla Puel (@carla_puel), Investor at Leadblock Partners

  • ​Luc de Leyritz (@deLeyritzLuc), Investor at Cherry Ventures

  • ​Minh Q. Tran (@Minh_Q_Tran), Managing Partner at Mandalore

​How do I join?

  • ​All Web3 founders are welcome to join the session to listen – however, only a few will get chosen to present their product in front of experts. Selected projects will be informed at least 24 business hours in advance.

  • ​The session should allow participants to:

    • ​(1) if joining to present, directly gain valuable insights for their projects; and

    • ​(2) if not presenting, to indirectly learn from the feedback received by others.

​Is this an online or offline event?

​This first edition will be hosted in-person at SPACE B, a community hub run by BNB Chain at STATION F, the world's biggest startup campus, located in Paris. Once your event registration is confirmed, you will receive instructions on how to access the venue.

​Interested in SPACE B?

​If you're interested in learning more about SPACE B, or even considering applying for a workspace to meet and build along fellow Web3 entrepreneurs, fill out this form.

​About BNB Chain

​BNB Chain is a community-driven ecosystem with multiple decentralized blockchains, powered by BNB. It consists of BNB Beacon Chain, its staking and governance layer, BNB Smart Chain (BSC), which is EVM compatible and facilitates a multi-chain ecosystem with its Layer-2 solutions including opBNB, and BNB Greenfield, its decentralized data storage network. 

​The BNB Chain ecosystem has the world’s largest smart contract blockchain (BSC) by daily active users and has processed 3 billion transactions to date from 232 Million unique addresses. This makes it the largest layer 1 blockchain globally and brings developers massive user access with ultra-low gas fees, higher transactions per second and has experienced zero crashes since its inception. The ecosystem has more than 1,500 estimated active dApps at any given time across multiple categories such as DeFi, Metaverse, Blockchain Gaming, SocialFi, NFT, Infrastructure, and more. There are numerous programs available to support the Web3 ecosystem including the Gas Grant, Builder Grant, Kickstart, Most Valuable Builder (MVB) and AvengerDAO.

Alpheys lance sa nouvelle offre Alpheys Private Assets et annonce un partenariat avec CVP NoLimit Holdings dans l’écosystème Web3

Communiqué de presse
Paris, le 9 aout 2022

Alpheys lance sa nouvelle offre Alpheys Private Assets et annonce un partenariat avec CVP NoLimit Holdings dans l’écosystème Web3.

Répondant à la forte demande des investisseurs pour les actifs non-cotés et alternatifs, Alpheys lance sa nouvelle offre Alpheys Private Assets.

Capitalisant sur son savoir-faire en matière de technologies, Alpheys a choisi pour première thématique d’investissement le domaine à très forte croissance de la blockchain et de ses applications dans le Web3.

Souhaitant pour cela s’allier avec un acteur de taille mondiale, à l’avant-garde des transformations majeures liées au Web3, Alpheys a conclu un partenariat avec Clearvue Partners (CVP) avec le fonds CVP NoLimit Holdings (CVP NLH).

Gin Chao, fondateur de CVP NLH, est administrateur indépendant de Binance US et ancien Chief Strategy Officer de Binance Monde. Son track-record à la tête de Binance Labs, la division venture capital de Binance, fait de Gin Chao une référence internationale incontestée en matière de capital investissement dans la blockchain. CVP NLH, en partenariat avec le fonds de Private Equity CVP, dirigé par Harry Hui, et spécialisé dans les stratégies de consommation et de technologie à forte croissance, ont annoncé le lancement d’un fonds de 100 millions USD dédié aux investissements stratégiques du Web3 : le CVP NoLimit Fund I.

Alpheys sera le distributeur en France de la version européenne du fonds. Ce fonds sera co-géré par Mandalore Partners, spécialiste du venture capital en technologie. Mandalore Partners conseille de nombreux investisseurs institutionnels en France, notamment dans le monde de l’assurance et de l’épargne.

« A l’heure où toutes les plus grandes entreprises du monde, tous secteurs d’activité confondus, investissent massivement pour se préparer aux transformations profondes de notre société par les applications de la blockchain et du Web3, il nous paraissait primordial de pouvoir accompagner les partenaires d’Alpheys dans ce mouvement historique. Avoir l’opportunité de le faire en partenariat avec des acteurs d’envergure et de notoriété mondiale est un grand honneur, que nous sommes très heureux de partager avec nos clients professionnels du patrimoine », indique Sisouphan Tran, Président du groupe Alpheys.

A propos d’Alpheys :

Le groupe ALPHEYS propose aux professionnels de la gestion du patrimoine des solutions de marché innovantes sur l’ensemble des classes d’actifs grâce à une plateforme technologique en architecture ouverte.

ALPHEYS, qui est reconnu pour son avance technologique, compte aujourd’hui 5 milliards d’euros d’encours administrés, plus de 1000 partenaires professionnels du patrimoine et 300 sociétés de gestions connectées à la plateforme.

A propos de Mandalore Partners :

Mandalore Partners est une société spécialisée dans le (Corporate) Venture Capital as a Service pour les grands groupes, les ETI, et les entreprises en croissance pour sourcer et investir dans les technologies innovantes. #Web3Surance #Insurtech #InvestTech #ImpactTech

Pour plus d’information: